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Those of you that have been to Barbary for training have already met Spartacus, he is a little Welsh section A pony that I have brought for my niece Lottie to learn to ride on 🙂 He is a great character and his other job is to help train all the dogs that visit Barbary to be safe around other four-legged animals! He has lots of cheekiness and confidence so I think he will be great at both of his jobs! In the photo’s you can see Sparty having a look round, and you can see how at home he was feeling after his first day and night here, as I caught him sleeping near the house on his first morning!
I had a lovely email from Teresa about her two little dogs Connie and Mitch, it is some time since I saw them all but great to hear that Connie has settled into being a great pet! Teresa had a slightly rocky start with Connie when she first arrived from Battersea, as she was a shadow chaser. This is a very annoying habit some dogs can develop for a few reasons, but can often been seen in dogs left alone for long periods with little else going on in their lives.
Georgie sent in a photo of Lara, German Short Haired Pointer, from the Thursday morning class! Georgie and Lara are making great progress!
I have put up some more photo’s of Henry, thanks to Amy, and her Dachshund Monty!
Betty has been learning to still come to call when the Ducks and Geese are on the lake! Luckily she doesn’t like swimming, not since she mistook the leaves on the lake for a surface she could walk on last year! 🙂
The biggest news is the arrival of Mel’s puppy’s last week, yes Annie had to miss another nights sleep! Pie is a Daddy again! No I am not having another one 🙂 They are very cute, they all look a lot like their daddy, one girl has an all white face and is especially cute! 2 boys and 2 girls, photo’s on the way soon! How are they Annie?